12 August 2009

Chocolate Cake / Cinnamon Roll Redux: On Leaving it All to God

Of all the things in the fridge I could find to bring to work, there was a small microwavable container with three cinnamon rolls from a batch I made over the weekend and a few slices of the chocolate cake I made for my sister's birthday.

By the time I got to work today, I remembered something. These were the very things I baked on that May night last year.

I haven't seen the person for whom I baked in a while and I recently found out that he just resigned and will be moving on to new things. Good move for him, in my personal opinion; intelligent young men like him should be exploring every single option available to them.

I'm pretty sure that many of you will laugh when I say I shut myself up in my room and wept when I found out. I don't mind if you do - and that's a first coming from me.

I wept - and yes: I prayed.

I prayed that God in His goodness would guide him as he cuts a new path, as he goes wherever fate takes him. I asked the Lord not to forsake him no matter what may happen, that He will rest His mighty hand on that boy's shoulder.

For the first time in so many, many years, I actually felt as though a great weight had been lifted off me when I stopped crying. Normally, I would feel much worse and just curl up into myself in a spate of unreasonable grief.

He's a much better Christian than I am; I know now that God will take best care of him.

And, who knows? Perhaps the circumstances may finally let us be friends.

And really: if that's the best I can get out of this, then I can accept it with all my heart.

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